Press Release
June 19th, 2012

4 the Korenbeurs Schiedam
Summer Group Exhibition with National and International Artists 

From June 30 – September 9, 2012
Exhibition Hours: Wednesday through Sunday, 12–6pm

On June 30, 2012, the historic wheat exchange (Korenbeurs Schiedam), an architectural landmark of the Schiedam gin industry, will re-open its doors with a redefined purpose. The Art Centre Korenbeurs Schiedam Foundation will convert the former commodity exchange floor and the surrounding grounds into a dynamic exhibition space. Chairman of the Foundation and art collector Ron Klein Breteler has invited four curators to assemble a contemporary art exhibition featuring the work of more than 30 national and international artists. Through the interaction of work in a variety of media, the exhibition aims to create a visual exchange, connecting conceptual, figurative, minimalist and abstract art.

4 the Korenbeurs Schiedam has been brought together by four curators,  Johan Deumens, Berry Koedam, Anne-Marie Ros and Tanya Rumpff.

The artists featured in 4 the Korenbeurs Schiedam include among others: Annesas Appel, Laurence  Aëgerter, Jeroen Bodewits, Desiree de Baar, Niels Broszat, Marie Cloquet, John Curran, Rolf Engelen , Anett Frontzek, Rachel Goodyear, Kate van Harreveld, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Rosemin Hendriks, Shelagh Keeley, Nina Kluth, Mirjam Kuitenbrouwer, Hajnal Németh, Zaida Oenema, Jonas Ohlsson, Mark van Overeem, Micha Patiniott, Vanessa Jane Phaff, Marjolein Rothman, Dieuwke Spaans, Mirjam Somers, Anna Tanner, Bert Teunissen, Kees Visser, Bouke de Vries, Petra Werlich, Luuk Wilmering and Hulya Yilmaz.

The Korenbeurs Schiedam
The Art Centre Korenbeurs Schiedam Foundation aims to revitalize the historic Korenbeurs landmark by transforming the iconic building into a center for cultural exchange. This former commodity trading center, which was renovated in 2004, has been repurposed and will serve as a blank canvas for events such as art exhibitions, concerts, symposiums, book presentations and debates. The Foundation endeavors to invite artists, entrepreneurs and businesses to propose innovative uses for the architectural landmark.

4 the Korenbeurs Schiedam 
is free and open to the public from June 30th.

For further information in English visit
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Information for the editor:

For information on the summer art exhibition ‘4 de Korenbeurs Schiedam’:
Anne-Marie Ros:

Photography: Jan van der Ploeg Fotografie, Rotterdam

Special closing programme ‘4 the Korenbeurs Schiedam’: Sunday September 16, 2012 ~ 12:00 –- 5PM

Korenbeurs Schiedam | Lange Haven 145, 3111CD Schiedam – NL